Thursday, June 23, 2011

Career Changes

I have recently made a decision to make less jewelry and do more teaching. After making my living for more than 30 years making and selling Cloisonne' enamel jewelry. I've sold my work both at some of the most prestigious craft shows and in craft/jewelry stores throughout the U.S. That is a lot of pieces! I am ready for a break and there seems to be plenty of students who would love to reap the benefits of my many years of enamel exploration.
The little bit of teaching I've done over the past two years has helped me reclaim the feeling of excitement I experienced when I first began enameling in the fall of 1976. Gosh, that sounds like centuries ago! Watching students thrill to the changing colors of their enamel pieces as they come out of the kiln and fielding the numerous questions about “what, why, how, when, if” brings out that passion in me as well. Their excitement is contagious, as I hope my passion is too.
Though I enjoy the excitement (and sometimes chaos) of teaching up to 13 students in a craft school setting like Arrowmont School of Crafts, I prefer the small group intimacy of up to 4 students in my own studio. I feel like we really know each other well after only a day or two, and we’re able to share different parts of our lives as we study enameling techniques. I'll be developing a comprehensive program of study in my suburban Atlanta enameling studio over the next few months; one and two day workshops, as well as weekly four hour sessions to help students stay focused and feel supported. It can be a lonely job trying to figure all this stuff out after a workshop once you return to your own studio.
Keep posted as I will be creating a class schedule/calender soon. If you are thinking about taking a class email me and I will see what is possible. I am very flexible and able to work around people’s schedules. I might be able to design a short little workshop for you and a friend.
I will be continuing to make some finished pieces, but not nearly as many as I have been doing these past years. I am looking forward to continue pushing the envelope of enamel and cloisonne’, as well as developing my skills as a teacher. I'll be taking a break from shows for awhile, and indulge in the freedom to try some new things without the pressure of having to sell them.
Feels like a big change! I am excited.

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